Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Begining

Fibromyalgia is rough, misunderstood, complicated, and a whole slew of other things... I know this because I have had fibro for nine years, from the age of thirteen to twenty two and counting. It is something that effects almost every second of my life, so I have a great deal of knowledge and understanding on the matter. I do not want to withhold the my wisdom about fibromyalgia. I long to share my story, to learn your fibro story, to journey together. We can help each other live fuller lives despite our chronic illness and we teach those without fibro about our struggles.

Helen Keller once said, "One cannot consent to creep when one has an impulse to soar."

Pain, fatigue, and the ensuing emotional roller coaster tells fibromyalgia suffers that we must creep... But I will not consent to that! I will soar, I will fly! Because I thoroughly believe that we can fight this illness! Though we may never see healing this side of heaven, we can live our lives to the fullest!

Too many people with fibromyalgia have consented to creeping. They think they have no other choice but to give into the storm of aches, lack of energy, and depression. Please hear me out.... You can get out of that pit!!! You can fly: live you life with freedom and joy.

No matter where you are in you fibromyalgia journey... Will you learn to fly with me?
If you have a loved one with fibromyalgia... Will you chose to help them fly?

I hope your answer was a resounding "YES!!!" 

I intend of filling this blog with informational entries about symptoms, healthy lifestyle options, new research, suggested medical providers, guest posts (because everyone's fibro presents itself differently), and more! My hope is that you find everything easy to understand, helpful, and inspiring.

Thanks for taking this journey with me!

~ Erin Melissa